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Dates of Event: 
June 22, 2018 to June 24, 2018
Fri. noon - 10 pm, Sat. noon - 10 pm, Sun. noon - 10 pm
Place: 1301 W. 14th St, Chicago, IL

The 4th Annual Ruido Fest celebrates youth-oriented Latin music and culture with internationally headlining acts from all over the Spanish-speaking world. We anxiously await our return to Addams/Medill Park on June 22-24, 2018. Just steps from many of the institutions of the Pilsen Historic District, the neighborhood around Addams/Medill Park has been a destination for Mexican immigrants since the 1950's. The predominantly Latin section of Chicago's Lower West Side area is also home to a burgeoning arts and music scene that makes it one of the more culturally diverse locales in the nation. The event draws an urban audience with 2016 ticket sales in 40 states and 12 counties.